santa claus bread

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  1. This is so beautiful and creative! Thank you for linking up at Totally Terrific Tuesday! Make sure you stop back monday to check out the features..wink wink 🙂 Hope you had a wonderful christmas!

  2. Pingback: Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" #48 - To Work With My Hands
  3. This is fabulous! I love it. Pinned and tweeted. Thanks for being a part of our party! I hope you stop by on Monday at 7 pm. We love to party with you. Merry Christmas! Lou Lou Girls

  4. WOW, Very Impressive, Katherine! Thanks for sharing @ the “what to do Weekends” Party! I think I’ll give this one a try, too! Pinned! Great to pop by for a Christmas visit with you!
    Hugs and Many Blessings to you for your Christmas,

  5. Wow – that is beautiful! Don’t think I’m up to making the dough myself, but I think I could do it with store-bought dough. Wish I had a little one in the house who would love to see this…. going to pin for the future (or a potluck, where I think it would be a hit!)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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