make it monday week thirty six

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  1. Thanks SO much for feature the Bow Clutch. Hope it inspires folks. I didn’t catch that Faux Potato Soup the last time here. Gotta check that one out. I’m all for low carbs.

  2. You are so sweet to feature one of my posts! My life is usually so calm & quiet that I rarely have something “fun” to share, but this post I felt was share worthy. 😉 So glad I’m not the only one who does things like that. Unlike your weather, ours has been cold. Last week someone told me that they thought we would get some snow this Winter.

  3. We also had 48 degrees here yesterday in January. Not that I am complaining as I am not a fan of the cold, but still strange indeed. Happy Monday, Katie and have a wonderful week now, too xoxo 😉

Love each other as God loves you xo

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