All Hope Is Not Lost
All Hope Is Not Lost
Hello sweet friends! My recent health challenge came at us like a freight train loaded with dynamite! I was experiencing multiple migraine seizure episodes every day and night, some lasting up to five hours. After multiple examinations, testing, miscellaneous IV’s, scans, ER visits, etc. and the love and care of family and friends ( and my physician at the University of Utah) I received a bit of rescue from the abyss. I am now taking different (and more) medication to calm the migraine seizures and God willing get stabilized again in about 30-60 days.The drugs have miserable side effects but I am walking every day in the footsteps of God who strengthens me. Even though it was suggested I wait at least another week before assuming my daily routine. I just miss you all and I can work on my laptop anywhere.
I am happy to know that my daughter kept you” in the loop”. Hubby and I love and appreciate her sooooo much. She has been here to help at a moment’s notice, day or night. Our oldest granddaughter has been my chauffeur, hand holder and laugh maker. Our other four beautiful grandchildren have given me so many, heart wrapped healing hugs and kisses, I often felt I could float.
I am so grateful for all of your prayers and well wishes. Thank you for your lovely emails, comments, cards and other surprises. They were all bright lights in often dark days. The dog days of summer are upon us and if you have to be confined to bed/couch/home/medical facility, it is the perfect time to be in a nice air conditioned building. giggle. Some of you have asked if this is related to my polycythemia vera, or TBI. Although they can’t say for certain which ( or if both) is the cause. Yes it seems most likely.
I am just so happy to be back sharing with you again.
Please join me in congratulating the Clean Water Bottles winners Amy K and Veronica B
I hope you saw the new giveaway.
Enter to win a beautiful handmade quilt and $200 in cash!
If you don’t have, or know of, a little one who could use this beautiful quilt.
It would surely be a wonderful gift to a little one in your local hospital.
If you ever feel God is not listening, I hope you will always remember that all hope is not lost.
Katherine, please know that I will keep you close in my thoughts and prayers. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thank you for reminding us all of just how precious life is and that with God all things are possible.
Hi Katherine: I’m so sorry to hear of your migraine seizure episodes but I’m ecstatic they’re now under control. It sounds like you are blessed with a supportive and loving family and that makes a ton of difference in one’s well being. I very seldom comment but please know that I’m around and praying for you and your family.
Get well soon dear Katie! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo Maria
Hope you are well!!!! and thanks for sharing this beautiful post on Dream Create and inspire.
Hugs Maria
Katherine, all I can say is that I hope that you’re finding some relief and that thank God that you can lean on Him during this trying time. My husband was a newly diagnosed with seizures in 2011 at the age of 53. They came on suddenly and we’ve had a few episodes since. However, it appears that he is under control now and hasn’t suffered with a seizure for nearly a year. It’s trying when he has to start riding the bus because he has to wait 6 months after a seizure. All I know is that if it weren’t for our faith, I’m not sure we could have made it through all this mess. Thank you for being so open and honest about what’s going on in your personal life. Thank you for sharing your post at the #AnythingGoes Link Party.
It is hard to understand” why me Lord” sometimes. You are going thorough so much at once. May you soon be healed and doing well. Hang in. I have been blessed with good health most of my life and I will soon be 86.
Katherine, I am so sorry you are struggling with this! Your faith and attitude, however, are a huge encouragement to me (and anyone else reading your words!). I am glad you are able to be back blogging a little, but take it easy and don’t over-do. Blessings!!
Hi Katherine, I am so sorry to hear this. But I am refreshed by your attitude. Love and hugs to you for a speedy recovery and that the new meds take effect very soon. You are in my prayers. God bless you,
Hi Katherine, I’m so happy to hear you are surrounded by your entire family and their love, I hope you start feeling much better soon and I send you all my love!
So glad you’re back home and blogging! I pray that God will continue to restore your health.
I hope you continue to improve and feel stronger soon. You’re lucky to have such a wonderful support system
Hi Katherine,
My daughter gets migraines and has prescription medicine, but… she has been using Peppermint essential oils for a month or so now… she uses it daily… sometimes a couple times a day… as prevention and when she gets a headache. It truly does help. Have you tried it?
Hope you feel better and stronger with each day.
Hi Katherine!
So glad to hear that you are home and feeling a bit better. I am glad that they have something new for you to try and fingers crossed it will do the trick!
Take care of yourself and don’t do too much too soon!
Hello Katherine, I have been thinking about you and so glad that you will be alright. Please take it easy and rest. We will always be here for you. Take care.
Julie xo
Katherine, It is so good to hear from you and know that you are hanging in there. I know what migraines can do to a person you feel like it takes over your life, it always seems to come with other health problems at least it does for me. You have and will continue to be in my prayers sweet friend. Feel better! Hugs, Jo
Glad you are feeling a bit better, my prayers are with you!
I am so sorry to hear this news Katherine! I have been so out of it since my mother passed and was buried in July. I have not blogged or visited others blogs enough to keep up with anything. I read your email post title in my email today and needed to get right over to your blog to give you my well-wishes. Know that I will be praying for you in this time of need for improved health. God is taking care of you! Hugs, Roz
Keeping you I my prayers sweet friend. I am happy to know you have found a medicine that is helping. What a trooper you are and an inspiration to so many. I count you as a blessing in my life. Rest in Gods arms. {{{hugs}}}
Hope you are recovered soon. <3
So sorry you’ve been hit by this challenge. Take good care of yourself. Hope the new medication kicks in. Love and prayers, Diana
Glad you’re feeling better, sendimnding hugs
I’m so happy to see you posting again. I have long been a migraine sufferer, but nothing like the level you are experiencing. My positive thoughts and love are with you and pray for your continued healing.
Hello, my Heart goes out to you! I will be keeping you in my prayers, for I know God cares,loves+heals us. His Grace will see you through ♥ Rest now ♥
My son and dh have migraines but not as severe as yours. Praying your new med helps a lot!
God bless!!!
So glad to know you’re well enough to let us know how you’re doing. You’re in my prayers and our God is good and I know He’ll bring you through all of this.
Hi, Katie, You know Drs. and drugs are marvelous when we need them, but the best medicine you can have is a positive attitude like you have. Even in the darkest moments there is that light of hope to look toward. Blessings and take care.
Heal with God’s love, Linda
Wonderful the drugs are working! Hold fast to God’s healing. You are blessed to have such a wonderful family.
I haven’t been around much so I didn’t even realize this was happening. Very glad that you are doing okay. Best wishes and big hugs. xo
Blessings on you and your beautiful family. Sending love from San Diego CA.
So glad to hear you are on the mend and back in the comfort of home Katherine.:)
I’m so glad that things are looking up, even just a little bit! xoxo
It is wonderful to hear from you again. You have been in my thoughts and prayers since the email from your daughter. It was nice to have that bit of information to keep the worry back and focus the prayers. I hope your health continues to improve and that you can keep your smile through this difficult time.
You remain in my prayer circle and thank you so much for taking the time to connect with us.
Katie, I can somewhat relate to what you’re going through. I live with multiple chronic pain illnesses, and stress is a huge trigger for flareups. I just posted last Saturday about the need for me to drastically cut back on my writing for my blog and other blogs I contribute to. Even just the stress of trying to keep up with my writing is too much for me these days.
I’ve received some very good advice from my sweet hubby (who thankfully keeps me accountable for my computer time) and some close friends, all of whom keep me in prayer. I thank God for each and every one of them! I think sometimes we hold on too tightly to things we need to let go of — at least, this is true for me, and is a huge matter of prayer.
I will pray for you, Katie, that God will continue to hold you close and show you what you should (and shouldn’t) be doing as far as your blog is concerned.
Thinking of you Katherine! I am so glad that you have a great support system. Hang in there!
So good to hear from you, Katherine! I have been sending healing thoughts your way. I hope this new round of meds is a success. You will continue to be in my thoughts. Sending hugs from Canada<3
The power of prayers… Hope the worst is behind you and you will continue to regain your health and strength! Much love…
I am always thinking if you! Pray that this medication will help you ..
Hugs Maria
So glad you are feeling better and was happy to have an update. However, take care and do not overdo it!
Hi Katherine! I don’t know what is causing you migraines but I hope you don’t mind some suggestions from me that might help. Do NOT use any wireless devices such as bluetooth, cordless phone and wireless internet (wifi router + laptop wifi/bluetooth antennas) and don’t talk more than 2 minutes at a time on your cellphone. I know I sound like a weirdo but I think your brain will be more comfortable without them around. Also, make sure you drink enough water and think about what you are eating that may trigger it. I’ve had migraines too (nothing with seizures or as bad as you I guess) and I get almost blind for 30 minutes to an hour and feels like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. I always try to be somewhere dark and quiet to prevent it getting worse. I am not a doctor and I don’t know if these would help but I though I should tell you because I know the suffering! Get well soon!
I’m so glad you are feeling somewhat better. Prayers that you will have a complete & speedy recovery!
Oh, sweet Katie-kins, I am so-so sorry you are suffering so. I’m so glad you’re a little better. Continuing to pray for you!
So good to hear from you! Sending prayers for healing and good wishes to you! All best —
I’ve been praying for you, my sweet friend. So happy that you are doing so well.
So glad to hear that you are home, I’m glad you are feeling better and hope you continue to improve. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Aw, Katie I kept you in my thoughts and prayers continually last week and just so glad to see you updating here. Still sending so many good thoughts and hugs your way. And thank you gain for being just you my sweet friend!! xoxo
So glad that you are doing much better. We miss you and will keep you in our prayers.
So glad to hear things are turning around ((HUGS)) I hope you continue to improve and find some relief. You are in my thoughts.
Hi Katherine,
So Good to see you on the computer again. You are such an inspiration to us all, and I am so glad that you are feeling slightly better. I hope that you continue to improve and are really well soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers all the time.
Lots of hugs and kisse.
Love and best wishes.
You have been in my prayers. You are an inspiration and I thank you, sweet friend. Sending you healing hugs and lots of love. <3 <3 <3