baked bacon macaroni and cheese

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  1. Pingback: Slop Casserole - The Bewitched Baker
  2. Katherine, I think I will save this recipe for when I want to really get on my husband’s good side, as he would love this combo of mac and cheese with bacon!

  3. How are you feeling Katherine? I have been thinking about you and sending some positive vibes your way. My boys love M and C and to top it off with one of teenagers favourite food groups bacon is even better yet. I hope you are taking good care of yourself. Don’t overdo it… take a good rest!

  4. A lady after my own heart. I am in love with Hormel’s real bacon products and they were a household staple in my childhood home as well as presently. We almost never have baked mac & cheese without mixing them in. YUM.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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