Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 212

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  1. Pingback: Fallen OOTD: Jeansjacke, Tunika-Oberteil und Jeans - Neue Modekleidung
  2. Thank you for hosting. Parties are such an integral part of the blogging community and I am proud to call myself a sharing participant of your party! I love your features this week.

  3. Hello gorgeous! Thank you for hosting such an amazing party! Please take a moment to visit our party that goes until Friday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet everything! Happy Halloween!Lou Lou Girls

  4. Katie, thank you for hosting us, and most definitely I will lift Debi in my thoughts and prayers. I know from one of my sisters having been diagnosed earlier this year, the treatment plans are so much more tailored for individuals vs the old, traditional courses of treatment, that Debi will certainly stand an optimal outcome.

  5. Katherine, praying for Debi. Having had breast cancer in my family I know how hard the times can be. Hopefully she is on the road to recovery very soon. Also being that it’s Breast Cancer Awareness month, Please ask your reader to get screened regularly themselves. Being high risk I go every 6 months. On another note, thanks for hosting the Blog Hop. Ilove looking at all the wonderful posts.


  6. Love your quote, Katie–so true, and the photograph is just lovely 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting week after week–

Love each other as God loves you xo

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