make it monday

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  1. Love the picture near where you live – love the mountains covered in pine/fir trees with snow as the icing! Makes me want to move!!!

  2. Your Steinbeck quote reminds me of what 1 of our priests said several times during Advent: Without Easter there would be no Christmas. 🙂

  3. What a great re cap of everthing, recaps are fun to read, especially yours. The weather has been cold here in the south where its ususally pretty nice in the winter. but i think every place is cold, climate is changing. have a nice week.
    Warmest Hugs

  4. Snowed here a bit yesterday and was actually the first of the season for us. The girls were so excited, but now just sunny and cold today. Wishing you a wonderful Monday and we actually have the day off for Martin Luther King Day. So will be on a slower pace schedule with the girls and my husband home today, as well here. Happy Monday and hugs, Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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