broken plate

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  1. Women burned their bras back in the 1960s…2016 is the year to burn that Superwoman cape once and for all!!! When we try to do it all we certainly don’t do anything well and stress ourselves out in the process. So, what is the date for the bonfire??

  2. You are amazing, I have always wondered how the heck you do all you do! I am glad you are slowing down a bit! Hope you are safe and warm this weekend!

  3. You are amazing…inspirational…and the reason I wanted to return. We all break plates…and most of us experience broken hearts over the broken plates. But, my dear Katie, you are rare with your love and concern…grace…and smiles. Just keep doing what you are doing.

  4. Hi Katherine,
    We have the best blog hop in blog land…The more the merrier! Spinning plates is what we do. I am excited to meet our new co-hostess.

  5. I myself am guilty of taking on the Super Woman persona! I am so glad you realized that you have more fun and satisfaction by sharing. After all, that is what Thursday Favorite Things is all about! Congratulations to all the party cohosts that have the pleasure of working with and knowing Katherine as well as each other.

  6. Aw, I totally get this and yes I take on more than I can chew many days here, as well. sO definitely cut yourself some slack and I welcome your new co-host, too now. Thanks as always just for being you Katie and have a wonderful weekend now, too!! xoxo <3

  7. Women are notorious for trying to do too much. I’m afraid I probably miss emails all of the time. Working full-time as a teacher does not leave much time for blogging or quilting I’m afraid.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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