between the lines blog series

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  1. Just loving this series, Katie! I am enjoying “meeting” the bloggers you are featuring, and checking them out. With everyone’s various time constraints, it’s really easy to get into a “blogging circle” and not take the time to seek out new writers, so only is the series fun, it is very helpful! Thanks for all the work you are putting into it!

  2. First time here and I love your 50+ series. As a 60+ blogger, I enjoy finding other baby boomers so, I will be following to read more. Thanks a Bunch!

  3. What a fun and great series Katherine. It is wonderful to learn more about these talented and amazing women. I will be 50 in a few months so this series was very interesting to me. I have to go back to visit all the blogs.

    Thank you the series.

  4. Really enjoying the series Katie and thank you again for the opportunity. Sue from Sizzling Towards Sixty.

  5. Thank you for this incredible series and for allowing me to share in this experience. I have met some awesome over 50 bloggers Yay!!! Who knew there were so many of us!!! 🙂

  6. I am looking forward to visiting all of these wonderful bloggers. Thank you Katherine for putting this all together, you are fabulous!

  7. Katherine, I love this series! Thank you for spotlighting the baby boomer bloggers, a category that I fall into! It is an encouragement to see so many of us brought together and to realize we are not alone! Instagram is full of the younger bloggers with their beautiful feeds, and it is so easy to make comparisons! A great reminder that no matter our age, God can use us to inspire and mentor! Pam @ Everyday Living

  8. I enjoyed this very much. Often I think I am the oldest blogger out there. My philosophy is you are only as old as you think you are. Many days I am surprised I am a grandmother of 5 beautiful grandchildren and 3 amazing children. Then I overdo in the garden and I remember my age and the limits I should have paid attention to! LoL!!

    I’ll be reading this and visiting these bloggers sites.

    Wishes for tasty dishes, Linda

  9. What a great way to meet new bloggers. Looking forward to visiting these ladies and hopefully connecting with them.

  10. This is a great post. I love meeting the more mature blogger since I am retired and just started blogging. I blog with my daughter whose youngest is 16 so we don’t have a lot in common with some of the “mommy” bloggers, this is great for us.

  11. Katherine…I so enjoy reading both your questions to the bloggers and then their struggles about blogging on their website.
    I do notice though that I can’t link to their site in your interview….is it me (or is that on purpose)? I ended up having to have your list open in one window and the questions in another?

  12. Katherine,

    How fun to have found your series! Very resonant for me and a delight to read. It also brought me to your link party, so glad to know about that, too. If you need a 90th over 50, please let me know… 🙂 Would be happy to join!!

    Lory at Designthusiasm

Love each other as God loves you xo

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