bluebird day

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  1. Pingback: Zombie Party for Kids - Halloween
  2. Hi Katherine! I really think you’ve got a beautiful blog! I like things that are so beautifully feminine.

    Well, we live in north Alabama and it’s still reaching 80 + degrees. I was wearing shorts and no shoes, with the garage doors wide open, while trying out my homemade milk paint today. (BTW, I did the paint all wrong and have to try again tomorrow.)

  3. Thank you Katherine!
    I joined in this week with my Day of the Dead tablescape, and I look forward to doing some visiting.

    White Spray Paint

  4. Hi Katherine! I love this Bluebird weather too! So excited to get a few of my favorite sweaters out. Thank you so much for your beautiful party, once again! I hope you’re having a wonderful week!
    Many blessings, dear friend,

  5. Kids often dress that way at school down here – they’re chilly in the morning walking to school or at the bus stop, but they know that by the time the sun comes up and they have PE or recess, they’ll be hot and need to be in shorts again! Have a great week!

  6. Thank you Katherine for hosting. I love the description blue bird days! Enjoy them before the weather changes! I keep reminding the grands play outside before it starts raining.

    xo Dianne

Love each other as God loves you xo

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