shamrocks and TFT blog party

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  1. Pingback: Soda Bread
  2. Hugs to you, Katherine – thanks so much for your time and talents involved in hosting TFT. So much cheerful green above – and yet the country seems in no mood to celebrate! I’m sharing at #130 and #131 and sending you wishes for a week of wellness ahead. xox

  3. Hey Katie, I’m at 108, 109, 110 this week. I have updated my emergency preparedness post and hope readers will explore the fun hand-washing activity – it’s glow in the dark! Have a great week.

  4. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 3-2 to 3-6 on my blog. On Tuesday was Oprah Winfrey’s Deviled Eggs. Wednesday was my grandma’s favorite Egg Salad. Thursday was an Easter Egg Bread Ring. And winding up Egg Week was Part of my Tip Friday series How To Peel Hard Boiled Eggs Hands Free. Enjoy!

  5. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with my UNLIMITED MONTHLY LINK PARTY 10, open March 1 to 26 and my BOTTLE – 65 WORDS WRITING PROMPT LINKUP, open March 10 to 20. Won’t you join me?

  6. Niky’s table is adorably inviting, Katherine! Thank you for curating all these posts each week, and hosting us to join. Today I’m sharing part of my vintage beaded purse collection (#80) that feature florals and birds in the designs, a nod to spring!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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