Thursday Favorite things blog hop

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  1. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to comment with the design I like here from Canvas Factory. But, I love the “graffiti Valparaiso 48”.

  2. I think “hop” is the best word to use. It’s an action word which describes clearly what we are supposed to be doing!

    I’m so hoping to win that Canvas Print giveaway! I have so many images I could use for it. Thanks for offering it!

  3. The canvas split image is my favorite, but any of the styles would be wonderful to get a few more pics of my kids up. Don’t have that many.

  4. Happy New Year, Katherine! Wow, there’s been some changes here at Katherine’s Corner. So glad to see the TFT party is still going strong since my six-month, life got chaotic, party hiatus. Looking forward to consistently partying with you in 2017 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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