garbanzo salad

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  1. Thank you for hosting Thursday Favorite Things link party. I love this garbanzo salad. I have always loved garbanzo beans and anytime I find a new way to use them, it is a good day! Shared and pinned.

  2. I really like the Blue Ribbon Winner Crochet Table Runner you have on your site. It is so pretty and reminds me of my grandmother because she always had runners like this.

  3. Sweet story about the bean peddler! 🙂
    I used to love chickpeas, too, but I can’t have them anymore, either, because I’m trying to follow Dr. Gundry’s diet plan. But my family loves them, and I think they will enjoy this recipe. Thanks for posting it! In summer, who wants to heat up the kitchen with cooking, so the summer salad series is much appreciated.

    Ricki Jill

Love each other as God loves you xo

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