baking memories with grandma

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  1. Your cookies all look amazing, when I bake I have to plane to quickly give them away, to much temeptation to eat on them all day long. I Pinned the Royal icing illustration for sharing.

    Thank you for sharing on Oh My Heartsie Girls WW this week.
    Wishing you a great weekend and happy Holidays!

    Karren xo

    PS Visited your Make a Miracle to participate. 🙂

        1. Hi sweetie I use sucralose, anything that ends with “itol” is not allowed. I make myself oatmeal cookies or cinnamon cookies for my holiday treats. I use applesauce for some recipes too. xo

  2. We LOVE making memories with grandma!! My son and I visit my Mom all the time and last time they made peanut butter cookies together. Next time we are going to do sugar cookies to decorate!! He cannot wait. I lost my grandma this year, I was lucky enough to have her as a HUGE part of my life and upbringing! I hope that my son gets the same out of his relationship with my mom 😉

  3. I need to bake here more now. I did a bit, but still want to more before it is Christmas here now. And I may need to try a few of the ones you shared above, especially the first marshmallow ones as those look divine! Thanks for sharing and Happy Wednesday now, Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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