door stop or dessert

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  1. Hi, Katherine! I wanted to stop by and tell you that since you posted this recipe I have made this fabulous fruit cake, not once, but twice. 🙂 I made it before Christmas and we loved it so much! My daughter took a tray to work and everyone there loved it also. They wanted the recipe ASAP. LOL We made it again this past week and we have been enjoying it every night with a nice glass of milk. Just wanted to thank you so much for sharing it. Happy New Year! xxx Maria

  2. I’ve never tried fruitcake, or maybe I did as a kid and that explains why I just won’t go near it. I have an issue with textures though and the fruit definitely looks like something that would leave me gagging.

    1. They often have them in tins at your local market. You’ll know you’ve found it when you lift it op and realize it weighs ten pounds, LOL. If you decide to try my fruitcake twist I do hope you enjoy it. hugs

  3. I don’t have good memories of fruit cake at all! We always had to be nice and eat it when we visited my great aunt…gag. BUT this recipe sounds really good…I’m not making much this year for baking but I”m going to try this!

  4. So, Im not going to lie, but I have NEVER tried fruitcake! In all honesty it scares me lol!! All that weird gelled fruit freaks me right out! Now, your version, I would be willing to try!! It looks like actual food lol!

  5. Hello Naomi, at the top of the entry form you will find the prize description-Enter to Win a Cardinal in Winter Sign created by artist Marian Zimmerman ($75 Value) & $40 Cash! Hugs and good luck in the giveaway.

  6. Here’s my other comment! That fruit cake/bread looks so much tastier than those old heavy, nauseatingly sweet things! I might just have to try it. I could eat some right now!

  7. LOL, “your teeth actually jumped out of your mouth to find the nearest dentist.” I’m a very visual person and this gave me a good giggle when I “saw” teeth running down the street. My niece will love this reference – she’s a dentist.
    My teeth are jumping out to sink into that awesome fruit cake! Watch out, ha! XO

  8. Yup, we always had some form of fruit cake on our table this time of the year, too. But your version sounds so much better that what I recall fruit cake being like. So may have to give this a try now. Thanks Katie and Happy Wednesday now xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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