tackle your bucket list

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  1. Hello Katherine and Cynthia!!
    How exciting, Cynthia, that your book is being made into a movie!!! I loved that you wrote out your first books for your friends and on a typewriter. I do remember those days! 😉 When I was 13, I handwrote stories about princesses and being rescued. They were pretty awful, but the fun part was using the cardboard from t-shirt packages as part of the covers, then wrapping those with Christmas wrapping paper. I then drew pictures to go along with the stories and glued them to the fronts of each book. Thanks for the fun memories and best wishes with your new project!!!

  2. It was interesting to read about your writings and that Barry Manilow was one who got to read it. I have always loved Barry Manilow for his wonderful music and lyrics…they tell us a story and sometimes make us think about something that happened long ago or we hope will happen soon!

  3. Cynthia, What a great blog! “Do what you love, and the rest will follow.” Yes, indeed. And how amazing that you won the IPPY award on your first try! You know, perhaps there was a reason you delayed writing until your fifties. Fine wine is best when it’s given a chance to age properly.

    I saw a little video or slideshow on FB about the origins of Star Wars. The director believed in the concept, but he was the only one who did. It was hard to get money, a storm destroyed his set, even the actors hated being in it. But he continued to believe and persist. And we know what eventually happened, don’t we? Sometimes you just have to do what you love and believe in, because to do otherwise would be to let yourself down.

    Anyway, I enjoyed reading your post. It should provide insight, inspiration, and guidance to many aspiring writers.

  4. What a great blog! “Do what you love, and the rest will follow.” Yes, indeed. And how amazing that you won the IPPY award on your first try! You know, perhaps there was a reason you delayed writing until your fifties. Fine wine is best when it’s given a chance to age properly.

    I saw a little video or slideshow on FB about the origins of Star Wars. The director believed in the concept, but he was the only one who did. It was hard to get money, a storm destroyed his set, even the actors hated being in it. But he continued to believe and persist. And we know what eventually happened, don’t we? Sometimes you just have to do what you love and believe in, because to do otherwise would be to let yourself down.

    Anyway, I enjoyed reading this. It should provide insight, inspiration, and guidance to many aspiring writers.

    1. Thank you so much, dear John. Your encouragement makes me glow and want to climb new heights. I’m so honored to have your praise. You are a very talented multi-award-winning author, and famous, too! Hugs, Cynthia

  5. Bravo to Cynthia for tackling her bucket list and what a reward! As we age we realize that our days are getting numbered. I love the quote…”Take time to do what you love.” I’d better get working on the rest of my bucket list.

  6. Kathie,
    Thank you for having me as a guest on Katherine’s Corner. I am honored and humbled. I hope I have inspired your followers to take a chance to try that adventure that is lurking deep down.
    Much love and hugs,
    Cynthia <3

  7. Absolutely loved getting to know Cynthia a bit better here today, especially how you did indeed follow her dreams to wiring that novel of hers and more. Thanks for sharing and wishing you both a wonderful Wednesday now!!! xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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