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  1. Hi, Katherine It’s Carolyn Garcia I just wanted to let you know I love your Blog Site, everything especially the colors on your Blog beautiful. I am also 52 and a lovely grandmother to three beautiful granddaughters.I have followed all your sites just to let you know lol hope you don’t mind!!. I can fill out the info below but my site isn’t up yet/ launched yet still stuck from the dashboard, content, meta-tags don’t know much about any of this I’m trying my hardest but fill like empty handed. I have a name for my site, added some color one image (now lost) I have had my site 4/5 months now and still stuck. I have tons of notes but, it’s figuring out about c-panel/ dashboard don’t know how to send out content or etc, I want to do this so bad don’t know what to do from here. Sor ry for spilling everything on you, I really didn’t expect my message to be this long. Sorry again your friend Carolyn Garcia. I do have a Pinterest site could you do me a favor please if you have time(sorry) I think I have a lot of good boards but like only 60 followers I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong there also. Please let me know if you visit my site thanks again Pinterest/gcarolyn855 ( under Carolyn Garcia) let me know if you can’t find it and if you can give me any feedback or insight about my website to get it launched I would so much appreciate it. again your friend Carolyn. Just to let you know I said a long and beautiful prayer for Debi. All my prayers are with her and her family May God Bless them!

  2. Thank you for the kind words about my pantry! So honored to have it featured! I wish it looked as good as it did in the picture s- it somehow turned into a mess!

  3. Thank you for hosting such a fun party each week. I think parties are the best social media strategy around!! I linked my cheesy Potatoes, Baileys Irish Cream Cheesecake, and a Collection of Irish foods, Just in time for St Patrick’s Day. I hope you enjoy them. Have a happy week! #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings

  4. Prayers for Debi. Thank you for hosting – I love your commentary on the features! I’m at 122, 124, and 126 this week.

  5. How wonderful to come here and see a picture of my sweet Alethea! Thanks so much for the feature. Thank you for the link up! I’m number 65 this week.

  6. Saying many prayers and keeping Debi in my thoughts now. Also, thank you so much for picking my carrot Goldfish snacks this week here, too my sweet friend. Many hugs and wishing you a wonderful Thursday ahead now xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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