my favorite things

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  1. Hello Katherine, Marilyn, Amber, Nina, Bev, Angelina and Theresa!!!!!!
    Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all of you! Thank you for hosting, as always. This week I think I am #207 sharing a visit last weekend with my kids coming to see me and some random fun pics.
    Happy to be here to visit with you all,
    Barb 🙂

  2. Thank you for hosting this opportunity to bring bloggers together and share their posts. I look forward to your party each week. #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings. I am sharing a few Cinco de Mayo Recipes, Crock Pot Cocktail Smokies, and Crock Pot Chicken Stroganoff.

  3. Hi Katherine thanks for hosting! You should check out my features this week, I titled my post “Ten Things I Love at Thursday Favorite Things” because there were so many of my favorite things this week too! It is always interesting to look at the other host’s features to see what makes us all tick.

    Today I have linked up #40, #25 and 52. Have a great day!

  4. Thanks for being such a gracious hostess Katherine. My share is #92, Orange to Your Emotional Rescue. One of my favorite things is to help others, and using orange energy is an excellent way to do it!

  5. #70 is my link – all about my battle with aphids in my garden and a month away from being a featured garden in the city’s Private Garden Tour! I love the links you’ve got here. I subscribed to a few. Katherine, you attract a great group of women!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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