apology TFT blog party

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  1. Thanks for being so sweet! It was wonderful for you to put my post in the link party! This is just so much fun! Thanks for hosting and keeping me inspired!

  2. Thank you for hosting! My offerings this week include an American Flag Rice Krispy Treat, a delicious Strawberry Poke Cake and. Patriotic Brownie in a Pretzel Crust with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. As always you are invited to my own parties! (Latest are shown on my home page). See you there.

  3. Katherine, It was a pleasure to participate in the blog hop with you. Thank you for sharing our links today. I also shared #167. Blessings, Cecilia

  4. Happy TFT! Thank you for hosting, Katherine and Ladies, as always!!! I’m sharing #159 and #161 today and hope you enjoy these posts. 🙂 Wasn’t the Royal wedding last Saturday wonderful?! I’ve enjoyed visiting many of your Tea and Roses blog hop posts already but have a few more to visit.

    Looking forward to linking up on Saturday, thank you!
    Barb 🙂

  5. Thank you Katherine for hosting! No need for such an extensive apology, everything worked out beautifully! Thank you so much for hosting and for your kindness and extra work in linking up all the tea party posts! Today I have also linked up how I made my DIY No-Sew tablecloth with pom pom trim and another post about Chinese Tea cups. I hope you have a happy day Katherine!

  6. Happy Thursday, K! I’m at 111, 112, and 113. I wrote my Emergency disaster response post because the people of Hawaii island are constantly in my thoughts. We went through Houston and Florida last year with our aged parents!

  7. Thank you for your humility and kindness, sweet friend! You are a blessing to us all. If I win the Amazon gift card, I will more than likely buy some more Trim Healthy Mama products and give the rest to our dear son to treat himself with something he has been wanting to buy! Have a blessed day!

  8. Happy TFT, Katherine! I don’t know what you’re apologizing for, everything looks as beautiful as always. Hugs! I hope you are having a better week, now. 🙂

  9. I would buy more stuff for the garden, there is quite a bit of iron type stands you can order and they are quite nice looking

  10. Aw, you are just one awesome lady always, Katie and seriously thanks for including the links again just in case. Happy Thursday once again and wishing you a wonderful holiday weekend as I will most likely be offline for a good portion of it myself. Hugs xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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