ea and roses blog tour

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  1. This is my first time here Katie, and I’m LOVING your teacups! I’m sure by now most of them have gone to make other people happy! 🙂 I’ve always loved them – my collection is growing fast! Thanks for the beauty today!

    1. Hello Barbara, welcome to Katherines Corner. I am your newest subscriber. I enjoyed the time spent at your lovely blog and look forward to many more visits. I invite you to share your posts at the TFT blog party. Hugs!! P.S. don’t forget to enter the giveaway too.

  2. I have only collected a few teacups–usually pink roses and violets with an occasional shamrock but I think they multiply while sitting together! Like dirty dishes left overnite in the sink! I refuse to purge–yet. I love my pretties and did not get to grow up with them, so now is MY time, even if they don’t get used much. I really enjoyed seeing your collection.

  3. Pingback: Spring Link Party
  4. I can relate to you moving to a smaller home as a last one. When we moved here, I said “no more moves” as I always had to do all the packing and all the arrangements. So I bought a small , single level house to grow old in. Peace of mind about that, at any rate! Other things, well, there’s life, isn’t there?

    Very pretty teacups.

  5. Hi Katherine,
    It can be sooo hard to go through our beloved treasures and whittle them down… We should have sold many more things and especially furniture when we were moving out of our house in California, but we thought, “Oh, Charles will have a new job soon, then we will be able to get another house [right away].” Funny how God often has other plans, lol! 😉

    Your collection of teacups is massive and beautiful! I saw how many other women were saying how each is such an individual piece… l wish you the best as you make these tough decisions as to which ones stay and which ones go. Perhaps let your children and grands pick a few for themselves? For future memories? I hope they are at an age where they are interested ~ mine aren’t there yet.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful tables and teacups with us,
    Barb 🙂

  6. Katherine, your teacup collection is truly amazing! I can see why the ones you hi-lighted are your favorites. I don’t have a large collection, but I have plenty of other collections. 🙂 We will be downsizing in the future as well and I will need to do a giant purge. I do give away a little now and then. My dil mentioned she wanted a vintage fan the other day and I gave her one of mine. I have two and didn’t mind sharing. Your displays are gorgeous! So fun to hop with you.

  7. Hi Katie, I left a comment last night and it doesn’t seem to have appeared. So I will try again. I so loved seeing your beautiful collection of tea cups and saucers. You have so many stunning ones. I congratulate you for starting the purging process, that is so difficult to do. I must start…I have entirely too many collections. It has been a pleasure partying with you sweet friend! Hugs ~

  8. Katie, what a beautiful collection of tea cups and saucers! Thank you for sharing. I so need to start purging, I admire you for beginning the process. It has been a pleasure blog hopping with you sweet friend!

  9. Oh, what a beautiful collection of teacups.

    I completely understand what you are going through with purging.

    We downsized to our little beach cottage 20 years ago. I got rid of so much because this little cottage was only 832 sq. ft. when we bought it. But, our youngest went away to college right after we moved in and we put in pull down attic stairs. All of a sudden I had a place to store thing and I started collecting again.

    2016 was my year of purging – didn’t love it and no meaning, it was gone!
    2017 the purging was “”really liked it, but no meaning” and “it had meaning, but I didn’t love it”. Giving away my grandmother’s china was difficult, but no one in the family wanted it. My sister got the gorgeous set! One day I packed it all up and took it to a charity shop. No regrets.
    2018 finds me purging things I truly love and have meaning. Yesterday I gave my sister “Little Man” a porcelain doll. I loved him- Steve bought him for me for Christmas one year. He was pretty expensive so I couldn’t afford to buy one for my sister whose eclectic home was calling out for Little Man. He no longer fit in at our little cottage and the look on my sister’s face when she opened the package yesterday told me I was right to give him away. Purging can be good.

  10. What a lot of pretty cups! I too had to purge some of my china and knick-knacks this spring. But in doing so I realized I had only kept the ones which really made me happy and I would feel good about using to enjoy a cup of tea from. It feels good to set a tea cup out for a friend when its one you love (the cup and the friend). Maybe someone else will love the ones I gave away to good will and they will find their rightful home. Now when I look at my china cabinet I feel so happy and don’t just see something that is just taking up space.
    Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  11. What a beautiful collection, and I know exactly how you feel about needing to purge. I am in the process of letting go of some ironstone and it is not very easy to do! You are right though, someone, somewhere will love your beautiful teacups as much as you have. You have put together a beautiful post! Thank you so much for joining the Tea and Roses blog hop friend!

  12. Love the beautiful tea cups…..am downsizing as well but seem to still add to my pile of tea cups

  13. Your tea cup collection is just beautiful! I love how you showcased them! They are so addictive because each one is so special and pretty! Enjoying this hop with you!

  14. It can be hard to let go of material things with memories – but you aren’t giving away the memories, those are NFS! You have so many beautiful tea cups… and I know you’ll likely find another you hadn’t intended for your collection, cause isn’t that how collecting works? 🙂 I enjoyed “having tea” with you!

  15. Thank you so much for sharing your vintage tea cup collection with us! It is so beautiful! I especially love the purple and white roses tea and cup saucer – it is amazing! So happy to be part of the blog hop with you!

  16. What gorgeous teacups! I used to have a lovely collection, years ago, but due to several moves in several years, i had to downsize. Now that I have a granddaughter that would love tea parties, I think I will get a few special ones, just for us!
    If I won the gc, I would buy some art supplies.

  17. Great collection of teacups!!!You are brave,my friend…Sometimes I think like you…too much teacups…then I see an “unique” one and buy it! You are really brave!Hugs!

  18. Your teacups are beautiful, Katherine! But you will be happier owning only your favorites, enough to host a small tea party! It’s got to be hard to downsize, though; I don’t envy you…I like too many things! Fun “hopping” with you!

  19. What an absolutely enchanting teacup collection you have! I too need to whittle a few things down and am finding it difficult. I’ve borrowed one of your lovely images to use on social media today. Have a wonderful day!

  20. What a gorgeous collection of teacups, Katherine! So pretty! I’ve really enjoyed participating in the blog hop with you. Blessings,Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

  21. I enjoyed your collection. Too bad you hadn’t made some of your collection available earlier, as I recently amassed about 24 cups and saucers for a My Favorite Things Party with an Alice in Wonderland theme. I found all mine at Goodwill type stores, and most not near as special as yours. But, I like to think someone else’s china is being given a new home and used for a special occasion.

  22. Ah, this is so beautiful, Katherine. It is so hard to let go of things sometimes. Those tea cups are like old friends and they have memories attached. Serve a cup of kindness is always a wonderful idea. You know, you could invite friends over and allow them to take a cup home, if you really want to part with some. 🙂

  23. Aw, thank you for sharing your gorgeous tea cups with us here today. And reminded me a bit of my grandmother as she collected teacups for years here. Hugs and wishing you a very, Happy Wednesday now xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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