oatmeal maple cookie bars

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  1. Pingback: Wordless Wednesday Link Party with Oh My Heartsie Girl
  2. Hello cute lady! This looks so good. Pinned. I love the new look. We really appreciate you taking the time to stop by our party. It wouldn’t be a party without you. Please join us on Monday at 7 pm. Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls

  3. Love that it’s labeled migraine-safe. It’s amazing how much weight goes into what we eat for SO many things, isn’t it? The cookie bars sound delicious. Pinning ’em.

    1. Thank you Rosey, my new diet is challenging my recipe creating skills. But, it’s always fun to create new things. Luckily my hubby doesn’t mind being my taste tester ,giggle. 90 percent of my recipes these days are migraine safe. I’m happy you are enjoying them xo

  4. These looks so yummy and also just wanted to tell you I love your new blog design. Looks like a Genesis theme to me, which I absolutely love, love, love their themes, too 🙂 xoxo!!

      1. Aww, great minds though must think alike though, because I was using it for my design site, but finally caved and switched over just yesterday for my Confessions blog, too! Loving it and really can’t go wrong with Genesis. Smooches and hugs, too!!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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