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  1. I love oatmeal cookies and I never thought of using craisins instead of raisins (because I do not like raisin, but love craisins). Great tip!

  2. What a gorgeous site! And the cookies…oh my. Holiday baking awaits me on Saturday…this has provided me with some well needed inspiration.

  3. Delicious! I am a big fan of oatmeal raisin cookies. My husband not so much. He prefers chocolate chip. One time I made oatmeal raisin for myself and he grabbed one and scarfed it down thinking it was chocolate chip! He was quite disappointed haha.

    I like your recipe photos! They look great 🙂

  4. Oatmeal raisin was my grandfather’s favorite cookie and mine as well. I used to make him a special batch at Christmas time. I remember once while he was at Christmas at my house he kept reaching into his pants pocket and then bringing something up to his mouth to nibble on. When I ask him what it was, he said it was one of my oatmeal cookies. He had put some in his pocket! Ha

    I found a great recipe for oatmeal cookies written in a church recipe cookbook that said letting the raisins sit in the eggs with a cover over them for about an hour will soften them up. It works well! 🙂

  5. Oatmeal raisin cookies have always been one of my favorites. This recipe sounds delicious, I’m definitely going to try it. Thank a bunch for sharing it!


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