diy kitchen backsplash katherines corner

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  1. Dear Katherine, I am so delighted to have found your blog. I am 57 years old and have been blogging for over 10 years. It seems most of the bloggers are now in their 20’s. I felt a bit alone in a sea of youngsters and then I find you and you have a list of other bloggers over 50. I was thinking that maybe I was a little crazy to still be blogging at my age. I feel inspired by your blog and I will continue with a new outlook. Something else we have in common is our other than perfect health. Crohn’s has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Could not plan trips or anything since I never knew when and where I would have an attack. After menopause Crohn’s has taken a backseat in my life and now I am freer then ever before to go and do. Crazy, but I feel in my mind that I am young, but then I look in the mirror and reality hits me. I love my life and would not trade it for anything. Look forward to sharing blogger with other Baby-Boomers too. Thank you, Kippi

  2. Your kitchen is so pretty. You guys did an awesome job. I am a DIYer but tile scares me. 🙂 We are planning to have our bathroom floors tiled at the end of summer and hubs wants to try it and I’m scared to death. 🙂 Love the pantry door as well.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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