by the numbers TFT blog link party features

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  1. Hi Katherine! What a fun way to choose the features this week! I like it! I’m number 231 this week, where I blogged all about my 2018 Halloween decor. Have a great weekend lady! 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for featuring our Coconut Peach Crisp. It is always fun to be featured. That is pretty funny that when you typed coconut, it came up cocobut. It really is the little things that make you smile. Thank you to for hosting the party. Our links this week are: #133, #134, and #135.

  3. Thank you so much for the feature, Katherine! “By the numbers” works for me! LOL! I’m at 106 and 107 this week! Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for hosting!

  4. Katherine,
    Thanks so much for choosing my post as one of your features!!! I will be giving you a Shout Out on Google+, face book and will do so in my next post!! Thanks so much again!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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