decor to inspire TFT Party

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  1. Pingback: Egg Recipes
  2. So much beautiful decor inspiration! One day, when my boys are grown and less destructive, I will actually decorate my house. But these years of their childhood, I have accepted the shoddy mess that is my home! But it is lived in and filled with love. I linked up this week at 223, 224, and 225. Have a great weekend!


  3. Thanks for another wonderful party Katherine! I love all the decor ideas! I’m posted up at #222 today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

  4. Happy almost March, Katherine, and thanks for hosting. I’m sweetening the lineup today with lovely orchids and thoughts on reblooming in the soul – at #150. Peace to you as you welcome March and new blessings. xox

  5. Aw, lovely home decor featured here today. Just had to stop in to wish you a very, Happy Thursday now and send some hugs your way. Thanks for hosting, as always, too xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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