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  1. Hey Katherine! The new logo is beautiful…bravo. I am crazy about what Angela did with her pantry and am so inspired – great features! Thanks so much for hosting! I am sharing my late summer kitchen (#197) and bedroom (#198) and hope these glimpses help others in their scheming and dreaming. Bon weekend, lovely. xox

  2. Thank you for hosting! This is what was served the of week 8-12- to 8-16 in my home. On Tuesday is Red White and Blue French Toast. Wednesday is Red Velvet Pancakes with Strawberries. And ending Labor Day Breakfast week on Friday I am serving my version of the famous Red Velvet Pancakes with Cream Cheese Topping. Enjoy!

  3. Katherine,
    Thanks so much for the feature!! I gave you a Shout out on face book and will do so in my next post!!
    Thanks for hosting each week!! My Link Ups for today are #28, 29 and 32!!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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