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  1. This is awesome! I had no idea that lemons could do so many things! I am bookmarking this so that I can do some of these things! Thank you for sharing this at our Strut Your Stuff Link Party! We hope that you will join us again tomorrow!!
    Camille @

  2. What wonderful tip. No, I did not know you could polish copper with lemon and bakign soda. Thank you for this info! Hugs, Mina

  3. Lemons really are an all purpose fruit lol. They can be SO useful.. both great smelling and really effective for many jobs.

    Great list of tips here 🙂

  4. Great tips and uses for lemons. I love to buy them just to display on my counter in a pretty three-part platter. I also use them squeezed into a cold quinoa salad with some EVOO…no mayo and no worries taking outdoors or to a picnic. Safe Labor Holiday weekend…

  5. I can’t wait to try the rice trick!! I always have lemons hanging in my fruit basket. We actually bought a lemon tree and I’m hoping to have some home grown this season.
    Also love love love Tuesday morning.
    I add lemons to my disposal for cleaning

    I am your new royal follower from the Crazed Fan Weekend Hop. Hope you’ll join our Royal Reality~~ honored to meet your acquaintance
    Lady Bren HRH(Here Reality’s Humorous)

  6. Awesome tips! I knew lemon juice was great for stuff, but some of these things I had never heard of! I’m going to have to try that rice trick! ~Hugs, M

  7. I didn’t know the rice trick. I’ll have to try that next time. I like to keep my lemon and orange peels in vinegar to scent the vinegar I use for cleaning. I also like to use a few wedges in the disposal to freshen it. Lemons are really useful in so many applications!

  8. I enjoyed learning lots of new ways to use lemons……My favorite is fresh squeezed lemonade *winks* Vanna/your newest follower

    1. . Absolutely! Cut a lemon in half and scrub let sit for a few minutes then rinse well. For plastic ice cube trays you can scrub the insides of the ice cube tray with a lemon cut into quarters. Allow the juice to sit for a few minutes then rinse.
      Big Hugs!

  9. Hi Katherine! I also learned that adding lemon juice to water makes things like pasta and rice and potatoes taste as if they have been salted, without harmful effects of salt for those on salt-restricted diets. You can also rest your elbows in lemon halves to keep them soft and smooth! My mom taught me that one when I was a child. xo,

  10. I love these tips. You can never learn too much. I am happy to hear the one about rice, what a great help that will be.
    Have a lovely weekend Katherine!

  11. Good morning, Katherine! Sorry I couldn’t hop by to enter your last giveaway; net/cable were down & out for a few days. I’m back to my appointed rounds now! Thanks for the tips here! xox, Maura

Love each other as God loves you xo

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