part of your story

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  1. Oh Katherine – what a beautiful post! You are a wonderful person to live your life with such joy in the face of such challenges. I know we all have our own, but you are an inspiration. Much love to you!

  2. I’m sending you a hug today too Katherine! You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers!
    Have a great week and weekend coming up!

  3. First I am so thankful that you are getting some good advice and diagnosis. What a lot you’ve been through over the years. And that phrase will go in my journal tonight. I volunteer for a Hospice house. Once a week (or more) I visit patients there. Sometimes it’s not easy but it is always rewarding. And how amazing to think I could be part of someone’s story. I’m going to pray about that! Sweet hugs, Diane (and I know many of the people I meet become part of MY story, too)

  4. Aw, Katie I am just so happy that your doctor sounds like an incredible man with amazing bedside manner. That said, put a smile on my face that he is helping to make your diagnosis easier and more managable hopefully for you. Hugs and just so happy that you are a virtual friend here. xoxo <3

  5. No, I am so sorry, I didn’t know about the blood cancer. I wish you all the best with your health and pray for you. We all have crosses to bear, some more than others, that is why we must be grateful for all of our blessings.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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