Let It Go
Hello Friends, “Let It Go”, these three words can make a HUGE difference in our lives. We often find ourselves holding on to feelings that do not benefit us or others. It’s time to “Let It Go”. I know it may bring to mind a popular family movie theme song reminding you to “Let it Go”. But, trust me, it really is a good idea.
Today’s post is intended to arm you with the necessary tools to do just that, “Let it Go”, Give it to God, Release It. If you are struggling with an issue (like the Pandemic), I believe you will benefit from this simple 10 minute guided meditation.

Write down– the things that you find hard to let go of. I’ve noticed over the years that small irritations seem to fill most lists. But during this current health crises, I anticipate a lot of you will write the pandemic on your list.
Make a commitment– a commitment to yourself, to “Let It Go” you have no room in your life for thoughts that do not benefit you in a positive way.
Meditate– be patient, this type of letting go can take time. Small steps will soon become long strides.
Meditation is not a religion. But many religions do include meditation. Please read this post all the way through before you begin your meditation.
You Do Not Need- any special clothing, or a fancy meditation room, incense, etc. But, if you are wearing constrictive clothing you may want to consider loosening them. Your comfort is important.
You Do Need– a quiet place without distractions. I have morning prayer and meditation in our master bedroom closet. (smile) Once you have your preferred meditation area selected and you have read through the “Let it Go” guided meditation you are ready to begin.

“Let It Go” a 10 minute guided meditation
Sit comfortably, comfort is important. You can sit on the floor, in a chair, or on your bed. You can sit with your legs crossed, in front, to the side, etc. You do not need to wrap your legs like a pretzel. Think comfort.
Say out loud or to yourself, this is my time and I am letting go of ( __)fill in the blank.
Place your hands comfortably palm side up on your lap or resting at your sides.
Let It Go
- Sit up straight
- Close your eyes
- Breathe in slowly through your nose
- Breathe out slowly through your mouth.
- Breathe in slowly through your nose
- Breathe out slowly through your mouth.
- Become aware of your breathing, the way it feels as you fill your lungs.
- With every breath, you inhale think of it as clean fresh air filling your lungs.
- With every breath, you exhale think of it as little particles of “____” fill in the blank leaving your thoughts.
- Your mind may wander and that is okay. Just bring your thoughts back to your breathing. Please do not judge yourself for drifting into thoughts. Just return to focus on your breathing.
- Slow even breathing, inhale slowly, exhale, slowly.
- Bring your thought to the “_____”fill in the blank, the thing/thought/worry/situation you are finding most difficult to let go.
- Envision “______” fill in the blank as an apple. A large rich red crisp freshly picked apple.
- Visualize taking a bite from the apple.
- Visualize how it feels in your mouth if it is sweet or tart.
- Keep your mind focused on the apple, with each repeated bite think of the delicious crisp apple’s flavor, color, texture.
- Repeat until you have eaten the apple and all you have left is the core.
- Discard the core, visually placing it in a compost bin where it will one day nourish a garden where apple trees grow.
- Breathe in slowly through your nose
- Breathe out slowly through your mouth.
- End meditation, bring your hands palms together (praying position).
- Then you can choose to say anything that feels right at that moment, say it out loud, or to yourself.
- Expressing gratitude to God is one I use most
- Thank you for the ability to breathe and “Let It Go”.
- Thank you for this time that is only meant for me,
- Thank you for the ability to refocus my mind,
- Thank you, for releasing me from this, “__________” fill in the blank and allowing me to give it to You.

Use this guided meditation once every day, until you are confident you have “Let It Go”. You will need to visualize eating several apples, but soon you will find that letting go is as easy as delivering the apple core to the compost bin.
©2020Meditate with Grandma Kate™ this guided meditation is not a replacement for health and/or mental health care. Please speak to your health care professional. Katherine is not a medical or mental health care professional. But she has provided guided meditation to others for over 40 years.
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Thank you for outlining the steps for meditation so clearly, Katie! I look forward to following through with them!
This is a very good exercise, Katherine, thank you. All too often I find myself wandering in prayer, no matter what time of day or night. I will try your 10 minute exercise.