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  1. Katherine,
    Your features all look so yummy!!!
    My Link Ups for this week are Numbers 132 and 137!
    Thanks so much for hosting this delightful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  2. Oh yummm – those both look fabulous! Obviously time for lunch! 🙂 Thanks so much as always, for hosting! I’m at #66 this week. Hope you’re doing well over there – take care and Happy Thursday!

  3. I could quite happily eat pasta until I turn into pasta! So delicious at any time of day and is the perfect comfort food – two awesome recipes chosen this week that have inspired me for my own dinner! Thank you for hosting, have linked up in the no. 39 spot – Sim x

Love each other as God loves you xo

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