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  1. It snowed in Jersey a couple of weeks ago, though not here by the ocean. It will come soon enough though as we have been having particularly harsh winters of late.
    I hope Monday treats you right!

  2. Awe man….I keep hoping maybe it will snow down here while I’m at Daughter’s for this time….I love the snow..(I know…most people don’t) Stay warm…love the photo! Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving…(not sure when I’ll get the chance to get on line again)…BIG HUGS

  3. We have had a dusting on the mountaintops and more is expected Monday and Friday. We rarely get enough to cover the ground in the valley, but that’sokay. I grew up in the Midwest and am totally happy to be in the high desert! Hugs, GraceinAZ

  4. Here in Manitoba we have snow too. And we’re lovin’ it! There’s nothing more beautiful than a white Christmas! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…

  5. Glad you got your coolness and snow, Katie! I don’t care for the cold and am enjoying the last bits of a beautiful fall here in NC. Isn’t it wonderful the beauty God places in each season?

  6. Hi, Katie

    So glad you are enjoying the snow. I am still in 80 degrees weather. Ugh! I really hope its gets cold soon, because it doesn’t feel like Christmas.


  7. Nope. No snow yet. Thank goodness. I’m not ready for that just yet–all those crazy folks driving like they never saw it before. Ugh. While it is lovely on branches and the lawn, it is not helpful in the morning commute.

  8. Do I have snow? Wait, let me look out the window. No! (LOL) The last time I even saw snow flurries here in Central Florida was about a dozen or more years ago. Can you send me some, Katie?

  9. Hi Katherine,
    The snow makes all brightens up in this dark season of Fall. We haven’t gotten any snow over here yet. Hugs xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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