autumn vignette

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  1. Luv the little guy. A bit a wimspy to the decor.
    I just signed up to get emails. Can’t wait till next one you post

  2. It does feel strange to try to continue on with decorating this year. In the midst of a pandemic and politics we became empty nesters and have been feeling a bit off my game. It’s nice to know I am not the only one. Perhaps I should take your lead and do less. Your buffet vignette is beautiful. Thanks for the invitation to join you in this challenge!

  3. Happy Saturday Katherine! My favorite part of your vignette is the copper leaf tray and your playful autumn sprite. He looked very comfortable and cozy. I enjoyed the Autumn Home Vignette Challenge.Thanks for hosting.

  4. Very pretty vignette, Katherine. Your little elf is creepy, but he is very cute. I love the pear and your burlap rose. Thank you for creating this challenge and hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I love it, Katherine! So pretty, and I love that burlap rose. I don’t think the little sprite is creepy! Thanks for the fun challenge! It was new to me and lots of fun! xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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