How Do I Reclaim a Positive Perspective?
Hello friends, Utah has been in the national news lately. I wish it could be because we have a farmer who grew the biggest pumpkin, or the 60-year-old blogger at Katherines Corner started her annual Season of Giveaways (smile) despite losing sponsors due to Covid. Sadly, it is neither. We are newsworthy because Utah has skyrocketing cases of Covid 19. Ugh…. How do I reclaim a positive perspective?
What if I woke up one day and I was frighteningly aware I was finding myself unable to find a glass, let alone fill it halfway up. A day when something happened- illness, Covid 19, medical diagnosis, job loss, __________fill in the blank, and I just wanted to scream, “Not again, or Really one more thing? How broad does He think my shoulders are?”. What if I couldn’t put a smiley face on hope, and my blog readers stopped reading? What if my, “you can do it” attitude went unread?”

How do I reclaim a positive perspective?
I allow myself one day of “poor little me” moments. One day when I can climb back into bed and submerge myself in the well of despair. That’s it though, one day. I grab on tight and let the thunder roll ( thank you Garth Brooks).
One day!
A second day is not an option.
Okay, after I have allowed myself a day of “poor little me” moments. How do I reclaim a positive attitude? It starts with a “gut check”, “reality check” time. Acknowledging I must fight the good fight, look up to Him for strength, and put love and gratitude in place of negative thoughts, or negative self-talk. You see my friends reclaiming my positive perspective is found through love and gratitude.
Yes, gratitude.
By reminding myself to be grateful for my blessings (gratitude is an attitude) and acknowledging my love for others and the love I receive, and……
Laughter, I find plenty of time to laugh. A real laugh. A nose snorting, knee smacking, cheeks hurting, laugh!
I will find myself on the road to reclaiming a positive perspective.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Do you have any idea how many people are finding laughter in a chemo room? I can tell you there are plenty.
Bottom line……. reclaiming a positive perspective is found by-
Allowing myself to have a day of poor little me’s.
Trusting my faith and love.
Having an attitude of gratitude,
and lastly, Laughter, giggles, and guffaws.

Friends, it’s important to remember that none of us are alone in our battles. I discover the best part of myself by reclaiming a positive perspective.
I hope this finds a way to lift your spirits and to encourage you to never give up, to fight the good fight, and trust in love, faith, gratitude, and laughter.

Great reminder Katherine! Yes, CO had a big jump. Our Thanksgiving plans are going to look very different this year! xo laura
Praise God in all things, even when it’s crappy.
One day pity party is certainly long enough.
Everyone is zooming up right now. I heard someone say we were hitting critical mass.