our retirement cottage

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  1. I have had the exact same dream since I can remember. Right down to the cut flower garden in the front and the veggie garden in the back. Mine includes a big verandah and second floor studio overlooking the water. Oh to dream! I’m looking forward to following this blog series so I can dream right along with you.

  2. I’ve always wanted a breakfast nook like that! Before Pinterest, I used to tear photos of those kinds of nooks from magazines and dream about having one. One of the houses we almost bought when we were house hunting had a nook like that, and I’ve always regretted not buying that house a little bit! Being near the water would make it even better. My retirement dream is to live near the ocean with a gulf-front view. Or even just to live there for a few months during the winter! xo

    1. I’m sorry you missed the opportunity to have one, if you have the room you know you can make it ( smile). Pam there is something so wonderful about being by the water. For me any water, lake, river, stream or ocean, LOL. xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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