Small Talk and Tips for Thanksgiving
Hello friends, it’s Thanksgiving Day in the US tomorrow. Are you ready? Have you pre-made anything? I made my broth yesterday (for stuffing) and I make my stuffing and pies today. Do you have room in your fridge for leftovers and your pre-made yumminess? How about something fun to talk about? Thanksgiving can be stressful if you are hosting, so I’m sharing a few of my favorite things, rescues for dishes that may go array, and other things to help your gratitude celebration to go smoothly.

Small talk and conversation starters are fun for large or small gatherings.
Here’s a few to get you started. There are more on the download below.
- What would you do if you suddenly had a million dollars?
- What’s your favorite things about Thanksgiving?
- If you could switch places with someone for one week. Who would it be?
- What are you reading or streaming (Netflix, Amazon etc.?
- Where is your favorite vacation spot?
- If you could invite anyone to dinner and they were guaranteed to show up, who would you invite?
- What’s your favorite movie?
Even more below!
Thanksgiving Reminders List
- Pre-make your pies and rolls or other things you know you can prepare ahead of time.
- Double check you have everything you need for the meal, dessert, wines, etc. today!
- When someone offers to help you in the kitchen, say yes!
- When someone offers to help clean up, say yes!
- Gather storage containers for leftovers.
- Don’t forget to tidy and clean (especially the bathroom).
- Set your table before bed tonight.
- Have your rescue list ready, just in case something doesn’t turn out as planned.
The Rescues
I hope you found something useful in my post today. Please share your tips and tricks in the comment section!
At this time of year, it is very important to think about those less fortunate, or those who may be alone on Thanksgiving. Please add them to your prayer list or invite someone you know is alone to sit at your table. If you haven’t done it already, please drop off a few Thanksgiving dinner meal items to the local shelter today, it may seem like a last-minute thing to do, but they will never turn away a donation.
Consider making a dinner plate or pie for your elderly neighbor or someone who you know is alone. Or baking a pie to thank someone in your neighborhood who shoveled your sidewalk or mowed your lawn, etc. as a kindness.
Reminder- there will not be a TFT blog hop tomorrow. 😊 Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving xo
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