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  1. Katherine,
    My Link Ups today are Numbers 104 and 105!
    Thanks again for hosting this charming party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! I hope you have a great week!

  2. Congratulations on this 600 TFT blog hop! Thanks for hosting every week!

    After 15 years of blogging I’m still using blogspot. I like a free platform and it’s easy and safe so it’s fine for me (smile). I don’t know why it has a bad rap? I actually know a blogger that uses it and makes 6 figures on her blog, so blogspot still works well if one has the right subject matter, etc.

    1. Hello Pat, thank you….and wow, how wonderful for your friend ( what does she blog about?) Lord knows I would be breathing easy if I were that successful.
      I didn’t change because of blogspot’s reputation. It was actually because I wanted to have a hosted domain without blogspot in the url. It wasn’t an option then. Hugs!

  3. WOW! Congratulations Katherine! 600 is amazing! I’m so impressed with the continuity, and your commitment to help the blogging community. You are a true encourager and supporter – THANK YOU!! Oh, and I’m linked at #39 this week. Thanks again and Happy St Patrick’s Day!

    1. Barbara you are a kind soul and your comment just felt like a hug, thank you so much. And thank you for joining us each week and sharing your beautiful blog posts xo

  4. Happy 600th Katherine, wow, that is amazing! Thanks so much for this wonderful party every week! My links are #17, 19, 22~ Happy St. Pat’s Day too ☘️

Love each other as God loves you xo

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