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  1. morning my sweet friend!!!! thank you for sharing your yummy bark recipe…i am going to be making some tomorrow!!! : ) so sweet…pretty and delicious! sending holiday hugs and now i am hopping over to see Chicken Scratch and visit her gorgeous Alphie who everyone here in this family is totally in love with!!!! just look at that face and those paws…he is going to be one big doggie!!! : ) sending holiday hugs and i will be writing you later today : )…

  2. I use candy-making chocolate because it is so much easier to work with and it keeps for a long time without having to refrigerate. YUM!

  3. Great recipes!

    I saw your follow on my blog and thought I'd check out yours. I am now following you!

    I hope you had a great weekend!

    Take care!


  4. What a lovely post! I enjoyed stopping by today! The recipe looks fantastic and I loved the music! Now I'm craving peppermint bark! 🙂

  5. Mmmmmm, can never have too many candy cane recipes! Thanks for sharring!

    Thank you also for stopping by my blog…please come by again! I am following you back. 🙂

  6. Wow, yummy!

    Hi there, I'm blog hopping today! I'm a new follower – I found you on Home Grown Families. I have a food blog that is geared towards making healthy and fun kids lunches, and I'm a 'Blog of Note'. I hope you'll follow me back –


  7. I have enjoyed this seasonal delight many times but have never attempted to make it on my own.

    Thank you so very much for the recipe.

  8. So that's how it's made! I think it's wonderful as I've always loved anything peppermint & even tho' white chocolate is mostly cocoa butter, milk & sugar I have a great fondness for the stuff!

  9. I love peppermint bark – I don't bake so this is the only holiday treat I make!!!

    Thanks for the follow – I'm now following you as well!!!

  10. Oh yummy! I know I've had this before but it's been a long time ago. Thanks for sharing. Happy to have found your lovely blog! I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back!
    Have a happy holiday season!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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