make it monday week fifty three-katherines corner

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  1. Thank you for the feature, Katherine! I look forward to sharing the finished product with you in a few weeks! As always, I enjoyed your party!

    Pam (

  2. Hi Katherine, Happy Birthday to your sweet and beautiful daughter. What a doll. Thank you so much for the Painted Pillow Feature too, it means a lot. Have a great week and be back for the link party. xo Lisa at Concord Cottage

  3. Oh, man! I just put my carrot cake in the oven and finally found a minute to sit down and what do I see? 50 ways to make a carrot cake! What are the odds, lol. Happy birthday to your daughter, she is gorgeous just like her mom! Hugs 🙂

  4. Katherine,
    I am so pleased and grateful that you enjoyed my wreath! Thank you so much for the feature! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Beautiful daughter you have, but you look too young to have such a grown up beauty! Love, Gratitude and Blessings, Theresa

  5. Happy belated birthday to your lovely daughter! Thank you so much for featuring my foyer refresh, Katherine! Wishing you a blessed week!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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