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  1. Katherine,
    My Link Ups are Numbers 142,143 and 144!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this lovely party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  2. Thanks for hosting Katherine! I’d love to have you come by & share on Crafty Creators (open Thurs-Mon)! You’re welcome to share link parties there to help others find your lovely party! Have a great weekend my friend!
    Niki | Life as a LEO Wife

  3. Katherine, thanks so much for hosting. My entry number is 108. I’m hosting parties this week too and I’d like to invite you and your guests here to drop by and join in.

  4. Good morning Katherine. Thank you so much for hosting and having us over at your Linkup.

    I linked up this week with = 39+40.
    If you have not joined us as yet at SSPS do come and share your awesome post/s with us
    You will find the linkup information under BLOGGING: https: // esmesalon . com / tag / seniorsalonpitstop (no spaces) We hope to meet you there virtually.

      1. If you’re looking for a list, check our linky as we do have an extensive list there that may help you. I prefer not to drop the direct link, but let me know if you need it and I am more than happy to share it with you.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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