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  1. Katherine, Many congratulations on having your comments on wedding trends included in the wedding planning article and also for having your Keepsakes by Katherine shop featured on Bridal Tweet and Wed Safe!!! Such wonderful news. I wanted to thank you also, for hosting the Thursday Favorite Things link party. I appreciate all the ideas that are shared on your blog and on your blog hop and also appreciate the chance to share my tablescapes and holiday decorations! Thanks again, Patty

  2. Katherine,
    My link ups for this week are Numbers 85, 86 and 87…
    Thanks so much for hosting this lovely party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  3. Yes another awesome linkup, thanks for hosting Katerine.

    I linked up this week with = 51+52+53. Come and join us Mon – Saturday at SeniorSalonPitStop as well as #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday – Saturday. You will find the info under BLOGGING

  4. Wonderful features Katherine! I’m so inspired to decorate my mantel now! And thanks for the shopping links – I’ve been looking for a mantel mirror just like that one! Thanks so much for hosting. I know you know how much I love Thursday with everyone! I’m linked at 36 this time. Take care and Happy Thursday!

  5. Katherine, First of all Congratulations! on having your contribution on wedding trends published in an article! so wonderful!! Also, thanks for all the work you and the other hostesses do on the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. I appreciate the chance to see all the creative ideas, and also to post. Today I am sharing 2 tablescapes, #20 is my Dancing Skeletons tablescape, and #21 is a lakeside Bicycling Skeleton tablescape. Thanks so much for all you do! – Patty

Love each other as God loves you xo

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