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  1. I left Twitter a long time ago too and never looked back. I don’t know if there’s a lot of trolls on Twitter or what, but they are just mean there. I’ve never had problems on Instagram.

    1. Yes there are and yes there is a lot of just meanness going on there. It’s nice to know you found a safe place on Instagram. I wish I could generate something on Instagram that helped grow my audience. xo

  2. Well said, Katherine. I’ve been saddened at the hatred and vitriol that is out there. The climate in this country has dramatically changed from kindness and inclusiveness to lies and fraud. I think many of us know why. There is a large part of our population that harbor hate and abusiveness to people “not like them.” What I don’t understand is that many are “godly church goers” who deny and will not listen to the truth of matters. And I’ve been the target of friends and family who are hostile to even listening to common sense and facts. Covid didn’t help at all, people’s hate and deception just festered on the social media sites. I’ve never been on twitter. Instagram is bad enough with people who look godly, but so deceived with conspiracy theories and lies. It amazes me that others cheer them on emphatically without even praying about their actions and words. Thanks for speaking the Truth.

  3. Katherine you have such a sweet heart my friend. I agree with you whole heartedly. Twitter is so mean so I’ve never really used the platform. When WP just linked our posts directly to twitter I used it only in that manner but never went there to see how my posts were doing etc. Now that WP dropped Twitter or X or whatever I could care less, but it is so scary and sad that there are so many tortured souls on there. Stay well. XO- MaryJo

  4. I totally agree Katherine, the current times are so distressing, much prayer is needed for sure to change hearts that are filled with anger and hatred, it’s so sad. Dear Lord hear our prayers!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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