thursday favorite things blog hop 209

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  1. Thank you so much for the party, Katherine! How beautiful your vegetables look sitting on your window sill! What do you make with your eggplant? Have a lovely weekend! hugs, Christine

  2. Hi Katherine & Co-Hosts! 🙂
    Your vegetables look amazing! I know it’s hard to let go of the garden when it’s done and winter comes. It’s so nice to be able to grow some of our own things isn’t it!
    Thank you for letting me share here.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  3. It is said to see the last of the summer veggies, but also kind of exciting to think of the hearty winter ones and all the yummy things we can do with them. Thanks so much for hosting!

  4. Hello beautiful! I love stopping by your party each week! We would love to party with you twice this week. so please stop by our party that goes until Friday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet every masterpiece! Lou Lou Girls

  5. Pingback: A Beautiful Haven
  6. What a wonderful idea! I’ve just discovered your site and your party from Ruby for women. I’d like to join in. I’m a not-yet-1-month old blogger and also not very techie. Will figure how to link up so I can join in. Thank you for hosting this. It’s inspired me to try and think of something creative to invite others that will be useful and at the same time boost statistics.

  7. Hello Katherine! Hope you are feeling better and I’m sad like you that our garden is about done too. It means the summer is winding down and I will miss the warm evenings and long days. But, fall has it’s beauty too. Thank you for the lovely party. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow

  8. Thanks for hosting & have a wonderful day!
    PS – If you haven’ t hopped on board the Great Blog Train (blog hop) yet there’s still plenty of time – we are digitally traveling to Naples, ITALY this month

  9. Thank you again for hosting! Have a lovely day!
    PS – If you haven’ t hopped on board the Great Blog Train (blog hop) yet there’s still plenty of time – we are digitally traveling to Naples, ITALY this month!

  10. Thanks for hosting! Glad to get back on early again. I missed two weeks ago and was totally bummed. Love Thursday’s too. Have a wonderful weekend.


Love each other as God loves you xo

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