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  1. At first glance it does not seem like spring here on the Canadian prairies. Scraping frost off car windows , in a -13 F wind! Still about 6 feet of snow along the driveway from shovelling! However, the days are longer and when the sun does shine there is a drip, drip, drip. Last week while shovelling snow I was serenaded by a house finch declaring his claim to the local area. Also the ravens have left the city and gone back to stake out a territory for the upcoming warmer weather. Oh, we still have more snow to come according to the weather channel!

  2. I love your photo and your poem. =)
    We have had warm weather here this week…but its supposed to get colder for a few days…

    Have a great week!


  3. Spring is here! I’m so excited (even if the weatherman is confused and has predicted cold weather for my weekend).

    I’d love to have you link up over at

  4. Yes, I do believe that Spring has sprung……… in Texas anyway; the birds are singing, the grass is getting green and things are budding and leafing out and of course the weeds are here as well.
    Going to be a great day here for the first day of Spring.
    Enjoyed your’The Promise of Spring’ poem.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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