thursday blog hop

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  1. Thanks for hosting and for visiting my blog! Looking forward to linking up with you again and reading all your posts =D

    Have just become your newest follower!

  2. Hey! I can’t believe I haven’t been following you all this time! Well, I am now (all of your social networks) :o) I’ll be linking up this week too!

  3. What a great co-host you selected Katherine! She is a love…:) And did you see all the people participating in your hop?! The word has spread like wild fire!!!…:)JP

  4. This is my first visit here, I added my blog to this blog hop. I follow you with google+. I leave the link to my blog, hopefully you will visite me, and if you like my creations I invite you to follow me!. I’m glad I found your site through Aloha Friday blog hop.
    Marisa from

  5. Thanks for hosting the great linky party! Come link up your latest and greatest with me on Saturdays!
    xoxo ~Ruthie

  6. Hello dear, great post! I really like your blog, it’s very interesting and has beautiful things! What about following each other? Also on bloglovin and facebook …just let me know  If you follow me, I follow you back.
    Kisses, have a nice day!

  7. Almost forgot… I also added your button to my “Link Parties Page” if you want to head over and check that out too 🙂

  8. Just found your blog and link party today for the first time! Linked up and also liked your FB page from my personal page too 🙂 Would love for you to like my page back
    The Best Blog Recipes on Facebook

    Thanks for hosting! I’d love if you’d link up to my weekend link party thebestblogrecipes.blogspot.comthat starts on Friday’s!

    Hope to see you there 🙂

  9. Katherine – I am new around here (I just found you today!). I’m excited to linked up with and follow you!! Thank you for hosting!!

  10. Katherine,
    My photo didn’t show up. If you’d like to delete it that’s fine. I could link up again. Thanks for hosting! Wow! So many links today!

  11. I went ahead and linked up today for the first time! I am following you by email per your request and am following Jennifer as well. Looking forward to reading both your blogs! Thank you for hosting today! 🙂

  12. Pingback: Chia Peach Pudding & The Fallacy of Counting Calories
  13. Happy Spring Katherine! Thank you for hosting! I’m so happy to be back and linked up today. 🙂 I shared Passionate Peach Pudding – perfect for spring and Easter, plus it’s really good for you! hehe

    So excited to peruse the other lovely links I see! Have a great weekend!

  14. Thanks for the invite! I’m looking forward to reading some great posts.
    Thanks for hosting and hope you have a great weekend!

  15. Hi, Katie, Wonderful party. You’ve been up to quite a lot I see. Your blog is looking wonderful! Best wishes at Springtime and Easter, Linda at Two Succulent Sisters

  16. I meet the most interesting people at your hops. Thanks for hosting such a great hop. Have a great day!

  17. I love this bloghop! However one thing disappoints me. While I visit and comment on many blogs, I find the bloggers usually reply to me by e-mail instead of returning the favor.

    Isn’t the purpose of a bloghop to have people visit each other’s blogs? Kind of scratching my head over this.

    Instead of taking the time to send an e-mail, why not just take the time to hop over to a blog and leave a comment? 🙂

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  18. Good morning!! Thanks for the party. I’ve just posted this week’s Homemaking Linkup and would love to have you join, if you’d like.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  19. Pingback: Healthy Eating 101, Part 4 – Let’s Get Started! | Calm.Healthy.Sexy.
  20. Pingback: Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting… {lower fat}

Love each other as God loves you xo

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