zucchini recipes

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  1. I’m back on the LP circuit… finally. Not sure where I left off, but I’m sure one of my links is new! 😉 I’m at 160-162 this week! Thanks, Katherine!

  2. Well, i posted another summer squash recipe…LOL, but it’s garden time right now. Thanks for hosting, Katherine…really always a fun party, Sandi

  3. Thanks so much Katherine and I am so excited to see my Zucchini Bread featured! We really enjoyed this bread, and I love how moist zucchini makes baked goods! A truly versatile vegetable you can do sooo much with, I wish I had veggies growing in my garden! My links are #21, 23, 26

  4. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 7-20 to 7-24 on my blog. On Tuesday was a No Bake Coconut Cream pie. Wednesday an old Fashioned Pecan Pie. Thursday was a Nutella Cream Pie. And winding up this week of Pies was my post, Tip Friday The Perfect Crust. Enjoy!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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