barbecue sauce recipes your picky eater will love

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  1. Pingback: Barbecue Prep List
  2. Gosh you sound a lot like me as far as being hugger, recipe changer, etc. I’m happy to see and try these BBQ sauces. Years ago I had a recipe for a great BBQ sauce that called for instant coffee granules. Sounds strange but was excellent; of course, I can’t find it now. Do you know of one similar

    Thank you. Marion W

    1. Hello Marion,I’m happy to know we are similar in many ways. Thank you for being a subscriber at Katherines Corner, I look forward to your comments. I don’t have a recipe for an instant coffee BBGQ sauce but.. I found this one at Taste of Home for you to try. go to Taste of Home ( dot com) and in their search bar search “coffee barbecue sauce”. I hope this is one you will enjoy. Hugs

  3. I love that you’re considerate of the migraine triggers you have when you feature your recipes. I had migraines for years and I know they are simply no fun at all. BBQ sauce with root beer sounds fun!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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