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  1. I will not be decorating this year because I just had hip replacement surgery at the end of October and I’m just not up to hauling heavy boxes and climbing ladders just yet. I did put out some Christmas china and I plan on buying a few poinsettias but that’s about it. Thanks for the party. I’m #160

  2. I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well, Katherine. I’m sending lots of healthy energy your way, my friend! Thanks for hosting anyway – I’m linked at #73 this time. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Katherine,
    My link Ups are Numbers 67. 69 and 71 for this week!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this delightful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it!!! Thank You!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  4. Thanks for the party Katherine. I love all the seasonal inspiration. Don’t stress my friend, enjoy the season and take your time decorating. I try to slow down and enjoy the process. XO- MaryJo

  5. Happy Thursday, Katherine! Our favorite time of the year is almost here and we love all the festive creations featured here! Thanks so much for hosting each week! We love participating! This week we are sharing #29 and #30. Have a great weekend ahead!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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