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  1. Tough decision to make. My Mother has sensitivities to antibiotics and they have caused some autoimmune issues from taking them that she now has to live with. If you know that one you have taken previously will work with minimal side effects, personally I would go with that one. Lots of luck and I hope you get things figured out asap.

  2. Hi Katherine, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been faced with the same situation as you are. And I’ve paid a price by taking something a doctor prescribes. I’ve found that on default they often prescribe a med they think will take care of your problems, oblivious to what you’ve experienced before. You’ve done what I would do and that’s pray about it first. If you’re gut says no then stick with that. I’ve learned that without God’s “peace” in a situation it sometimes results in a problem. I’d call the doctor on call and get a different prescription; don’t take chances with a bad allergy. That’s just my experience. Hope you get the right antibiotic and you’re feeling better soon!

  3. Katherine I’m so sorry to hear all of this and I feel the same way you do, I think you should wait because of your severe allergies and sensitivites, it’s probably for the best. I’m praying for you! God bless you and please keep us posted!

  4. It certainly is a tough choice. I suppose you need to think upon how well do you trust your doctor. I’ll pray on your decision.

  5. My aunt just went through something similar. She didn’t take the medicine for a few days and then decided to give it a try. We did end up in the ER because she was having chest pains, which she mostly thought were a side effect of the medicine. They kept her overnight for observation but the pain finally went away and they couldn’t find anything wrong so they let her go home. I’m not a doctor or telling you what you should do but after taking care of my dad, mom, and now my aunt, I know that I trust the pharmacist more than the doctors. Is there a way you can call the doctors office even though it’s the weekend? Most of the doctors here have an answering service and if he doesn’t call you back personally then a nurse will for sure. Maybe they can answer your questions or get you a new script 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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