paperwhites a tall flower with silver spoon katherines corner

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  1. Never tried to grow one but if smelly then definitely an outdoor flower. I pinned it! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 8, this party will be open until January 26.

    My themed party 9 for All Things Crochet is open until January 25 if you have any appropriate posts.

    I would love to have you join me at my short story prompt party February 2 to 9 for fun and creativity. Just start typing and see what you come up with. Remember, no story is too short! The prompt is: The sun was shining brightly but then…

  2. Yes, paperwhites Do stink something terrible.
    I have learned; plant paperwhites outside, but Not close to your door where you come in or under windows if you ever open your windows. Me; I planted mine along the ditch area; far away from the house.

  3. Just goes to show that some flowers don’t smell as pretty as we expect them to I suppose. Still, glad you figured it out and that your husband was OK with the flower smell. So, I guess al is well that ends well. Hugs and thanks for sharing xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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