Pumpkins and TFT link party

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  1. Pingback: Ode to Fall
  2. Katherine! Thank you SO much for featuring my pumpkin mantel today! I’m honored to be among such wonderful company! I really appreciate having this fun and inspiring link party – thanks for all you do! ❤️

  3. Thank you for hosting! This is what was highlighted during the week 9-30 to 10-4 on the blog. On Tuesday morning was a breakfast of Corned Beef Hash Browns and Eggs. Wednesday we enjoyed a Veal Parmigiana. Wrapping up this week of comfort food we enjoyed an Easy Double Cheese Baked Penne. Enjoy!

  4. I just thought that card was breathtakingly beautiful! I make my own cards too and just love to check out other people’s creations. Linking up as #85-87 this week.

  5. Hello, Lovely Katherine! Thanks for hosting another TFT edition which holds so much warmth and autumnal goodness. I’m sharing paint tips at #25, farmhouse inspiration from the heartland in #27, and soulful reflections at #28. Hope this beautiful October day is charming you as it is me. xox

Love each other as God loves you xo

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