Christmas Gift Tag Free Printables 3

Christmas Gift Tag Free Printables 3

Hello friends, my website is still having hiccups, but it looks like it’s fixed now. Here is today’s correct post. Thank you for your patience and support. Today I’m sharing some more Christmas gift tags. Are you starting to see a trend? ( smile). You can use these cute tags for presents, neighbor gifts or…

free mothers day printable gift tags

Free Mothers Day Printables and Name Help Please

Hello friends, Mother’s Day is just around the corner and it’s the perfect time to download some free Mother’s Day printables! I love making gift tag printables. They are that little something extra for your gift wrapping. I’m opening a new business soon ( in June), yes I know I already have three online business,…

5 things to talk about
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Conversation Starters Printables

Hello friends, I thought you might enjoy these free printable conversation starters. Social gatherings don’t need to be awkward. If you are meeting new people or just spending time with friends and family, conversations can, on occasion, lull a bit. But, you can spark the conversation with these great conversation starters! The fine people at…

3 irish blessing printables

3 Irish Blessing Printables

Hello friends, it’s Saint Patrick’s Day tomorrow. I thought you might enjoy some simple Irish Blessing Printables. I hope everyone has a wonderful Saint Patrick’s Day. I look forward to seeing you back here on Thursday for the blog party. A new giveaway posts on Saturday. Make sure you are a subscriber! Printables do not…